Monday, 14 April 2014

A dream is a wish your heart makes.....

(Hoopathon challenge)

Hola fans! So been a very busy bee with all these Spin Classes and training so here I am giving you an update on everything pageant in my life! Starting with the 25 hour Hoopathon!!! Sadly couldn't manage 25 hours, as the weighted hoop literally burned my hips and bruised them!! But myself and Heather collectively did 25 hours in total and raised over £200!!! If you would like to donate we have the page here:

We will try again on the challenge to break that record, perhaps with a non weighted hoop and plenty of rest beforehand!! (I had done 5 spins, covered 5 classes as well as a weighted leg session and no sleep, never good!! You need to listen to your body!).

(Flashback to last year's Miss Wiltshire finals)

The Miss Wiltshire 2014 finals have begun!! The countdown is on to the final, where I will be hosting!! So excited to be part of the finals again, and will be wearing my England sash with pride when I host. I think of the first time I entered compared to where I am now! It's exciting seeing all the girls, may it be their first pageant or not, talking about their excitement, what they are planning for charity and all their plans for my fav round, eco wear!!Lucky me I have two outfit changes planned, short and then elegant dress from Dragonflies. Also a Wiltshire Beauty Queen reunion!! Especially since the second Miss Wiltshire has become engaged, so many proposals!! You can vote for the next Miss Wiltshire by liking their pics, check out the contestants here!

(Loreal Hair Trophy Photos- JJ's Hair Group)

Also I can now show you the great photos from the Hair Trophy awards, sadly we didnt make it to the next round but these are some fab images! It was great to be a hair model and do something a bit different! Most pageant girls have long flowing curls yet I've always been a tad different and gone short! Well after this, JJ's cut my hair again and made it even shorter!! Some say it looks like Frankie's from The Saturdays, others really like it. It's strange to not feel any hair on my shoulders, shortest I've ever gone but you need to just take the fear and use it!! 

(Even shorter!! Love being a hair model!)

As you can see it's totally different to all my styles, excuse the casual clothing, it was my morning off!! haha! Check them out on facebook:

(My cinderella skills)

Since the Miss Wiltshire finalists are all talking about their eco wear, I decided to get creative for the Face of the Globe finals (did i mention that im an international finalist?!! ;). I have my old evening wedding dress (I'm not married, thats another story which most know already haha) and since no on wanted to buy this amazing dress (which was already from a charity shop) so i used it for my opening dress! I hunted round charity shops to find kids tops and duvets with disney print and made this dress!! It's only half way finished but i'm so proud of my effort so far! Now need to sew the other side and add an high waisted belt. And of course lots of sparkles!! I am still hunting for sponsorship so let me know if you want in on some amazing advertisement in both London and Paris, for low prices!! 

x <3 x
Hannah- Face of the Globe International Finalist
Team England

Find me on facebook:
Twitter: Englandperfectm
Instagram: hannahbarbieg
Tumblr: wiltshirebeautyqueen

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