Saturday, 3 May 2014

The new generation of Beauty Queens

(Swindon Adver shoot for their bikini body section)

Being a pageant queen has it's advantage when it comes to my business. I started Beauty and the Beast Personal Training with my logo featuring a crown and a dumbbell (designed by my lovely sister!). I have the dream (taking a break with Zante but coming back) that I can use pageants and training, create boot camps and give every girl that pageant experience through body confidence and general confidence. Before I started pageants I had zero confidence, I also had no knowledge of the gym but through pageants I got sponsored personal training and learnt a lot of knowledge before deciding this is what I wanted to do with my life! I WILL combine the two!! 

(Clothing by SNES Swindon)

So enough about my life story, the reason I was talking about pageants and training was that I was asked by the Swindon Adver to provide 5 exercises that readers could do at home. I was provided workout clothes by the fab SNES Swindon, check out their new workout gear ladies and they can also help with your nutrition needs, protein protein!! It was great to catch up with my old regular reporter Emma and talk all about the exercises! Top exercise, SQUAT!! hehe also it should maintain my title of International finalist for FOTG England, but they will always put former Miss Swindon :( haha

(Costa Selfie!)

So back to our new Miss Swindon and Miss Wiltshire. I had a little meeting with them in Costa before their first appearance together! I had little hand out sheets, very organised listing all the events, tips on social media, contacts for all the local press! It was nice to chat to the girls, as when I was crowned we had a little meeting with Kris, one of the photographers about what the past girls had done and what we should do but we didn't have the past queens helping us. I've made sure every year that i forward on my knowledge and everything I have, as the more this county has more queens, the better!! It gets the name out and also helps, no point having all this information if you can't share it! This will also be the last time I see the girls before I go to Zante as well so we had a nice coffee (hot choccie in my case) and a cheeky sash selfie! 
(Radio time!!)

Radio interview with Swindon 105.5 was a little different, since Ive packed my lovely white England sash ive bought out the pink sash!! We were recording the show for the Bank holiday section since Catissia was jetsetting off to Thailand and mornings can be hard for the ever hardworking student Nicole! I didnt want to intrude since it was their first interview but they invited me along and I helped out where I could! I talked about my title as well, also how amazing the girls were and what the title is really about. Then the girls had to do some arm waxing! Ha, bit different but one of the presenters Danny thought since beauty queens did a lot of pampering that it would be a treat for his co presenter to get a treat! You can listen in on Monday from 8AM Swindon 105.5 and also listen to the soundcloud below:

(All the beauty queens and presenters)

It was a great chance to get their name across and the girls did fab, more practice and they will be presenter pros!! 
(Disney top, boots and hoops!)

Since I will be in Zante for the Talent cut off date for FOTG I deceided to film my talent video, i may get inspiration to film it on the beach as I am packing my hoop but I will prob be too tired from all the hours I will be working, repping is not as easy as you think!! I had my lovely partner Connor helping me film, this was taking just before I started, thinking he was filming!! He also tried the hoops as well ;) I wore my disney top especially and got to work!! I love hula hooping and will really miss it! If i make top 3 in Talent and get to perform on stage I would be learning some new tricks, even get a flashy hoop, is fire hoops allowed in the final guys?! haha you can watch the video here and let me know what you think!!

This will most prob be my last blog before Zante, I will keep you all updated through Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, most defo Instagram! I can't wait to complete this journey and tick another achievement off my list! Its been a dream to work abroad and i'm all about achieving the dreams!! Someone said I should be very proud of all my achievements and I count my lucky stars everyday that I've been blessed with the life I try to lead!! Love you all!

x <3 x

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Instagram@ Hannahbarbieg
Tumblr: wiltshirebeautyqueen